I should mention that at the
time I made my living working heavy construction: Operating
Bulldozers, Scrapers, Graders, Backhoes, Ditchers, Welders
and the like. I should also mention that I intentionally
took this pictures to show the watch in the worst possible
light. As rough as this watch looked, it still was a
handsome watch, very wearable, readable and exceedingly
accurate (+/- 2 seconds a day worst case, usually +/- 1
second or better )...
Here are the after photo's...
It goes to show how far you can come with the proper parts
to resurecting a watch that admittedly is in less than
optimal condition...

I think you can really see the
difference if you compare the crystal

Overall, I'm very pleased with
the watch. The watchmaker did a very good job on the watch
and in particular the finish of the case. I really don't
know what he did (perhaps ultrasonic cleaning) but the case
has a nice finish which, while not "frosty" like a new watch
is, is not polished and it's hard to see where/how it was
brushed... It's very attractive and a vast improvement over
the before condition.
Now my problem is that I have
to find a new "High-Risk Environment" watch! But that is
another tale in the making... I did hesitate doing this work
on this one and just pick up another Mark II,
Thanks for being patient with
my ramblings, I hope it was worth your while...
-- Chuck
I've had a number of very nice replies to this posting... I
thought I would share a few...
- Omar
Very nice restoration
job, congratulations and thanks for sharing
- No problem, I'm pleased you
(and everyone else) has enjoyed it...
- How did you get the
case to come out looking so sharp? Omar
- Unfortunately, I really
don't know what was done. I'll talk to the dealer who I
dealt with and have him get in touch with the watchmaker.
He had told the watchmaker not to polish it but the
watchmaker could have subjected the stripped case (after
all it was pretty much striped with a new dial, hands and
crystal) into a ultrasonic cleaner of some sort...
- [Since then I've talked
with the dealer who handled the restoration and he said
that it was his belief that the case was likely first
cleaned with a ultrasonic cleaner and then lightly
- Thanks for the before
and after shots. That looks like a new watch now. I'm
sure it will get lots of wrist time now.
- I think that you are right
about that. The Mark II probably has had more wrist time
than all of my other watches (with the exception of my
old Heuer Pilot) combined, prior to this visit to the
watch maker...
- I've got a question
about the work.
- What percentage of
the repair bill do you think went into
- Well I should preface what
I say with the fact that this is actually the second time
that this particular watch has been back to this
watchmaker. About 18 months ago I had located an original
crown for the watch, and since it had never been serviced
since I had owned it (ignorance is bliss if the watch is
running great) I had it sent in then (I think it was
October of 1999 for a clean/service/lube and to have the
crown replaced. Which cost me $150.
- Since then I had located
and purchased a new dial/hands/crystal for the watch and
decided back in February to have them put on the watch.
So I sent it in and the cost was the same this time
around: $150.
- But remember that there was
substansial work to be done to change all of these
things... The movement had to be removed from the case,
as well as the old crystal from the case, the old hands
and dial had to be removed from the movement. Then the
new dial installed and the hands carefully placed back on
the pinions. Of course, removal of the crystal would
greatly easy work on the case since the watchmaker didn't
have to worry about accidentally nicking the
- So grand total on this
watch I've probably spent is probably close to about $775
or so:
Chrono Hand Reset:
Service, replace crown:
Material Total:
Labor Total:
Materials (from left)
Grand Total:
- Not bad for nearly 18
years of service...
- If you consider the amount
of time it takes to do these tasks, and even if I'm
pessamistic and say it took 4 hours to do all of the
work, it's less than $40 an hour, which is less than many
auto shops charge these days. I think it's very
reasonable. Now it took several months for me to get the
watch back because the watchmaker (like most watchmakers
these days) was swamped, but I have plenty of watches to
- I've never taken a
watch in specifically to be refinished. I've asked the
watchmaker to give it a polish, but they usually only
work on the movement, and the case/crystal remains the
- Did you find that
this was a significant portion of the bill?
- As I had the watch serviced
about a year previously, I had told them that the
movement was already good to go and I only wanted "body
work" attented to at this time... So I'd say that all of
the $150 that I spent this time went into the visual
appearance of the watch, and not the
- Statement
of rights retained and permissions
- Permission is
granted for Eric Katoso, Damon, Derek Ziglar,
Frank N., Ross or Robert Jan to include portions
within the FAQ's they are writing as long as
credit (and a link to this article) is given.
Permission for personal, educational or
noncommercial use is granted. The author retains
all other rights not specifically mentioned
here... For all other use please
the author.
- Disclaimer:
Opinions are my own and knowing me should be
taken with a grain or two of salt...