Chucks tip for Collectors:
Spring Bars...
- I ordered some links today for a bracelet for a watch
I had bought a while back. The watch, while not in Mint,
Near Mint or New shape was in pretty good shape. Now I
always scrutinize a watch before I go out the door
wearing it, especially if I'm going to be doing anything
near hard surfaces and usually I replace certain
components, just in case if I have any reason to suspect
the reliability of the component in question.
- In this instance, since the bracelet was so short, I
hadn't bothered to do the inspection until today. Here is
what I found (the two on the right)...

- Which one's would you like to be on your several
Hundred/Thousand Dollar watch, keeping in mind that they
are the only things holding your watch to your
- Actually these springbars were in much more usable
shape than many I see, but when you can get brand new
high quality springbars very cheaply in quantity 100
lots, doesn't it make sense to inspect the springbar's on
any watch you buy before you wear it?
- Food for though...
- -- Chuck
- P.S. Be sure to check all of the spring bars at
the clasp end too!!!