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- "Important
read for Vintage/Gray Market purchasers:
ALWAYS Ask for inside caseback
- - May 19, 2005 - 09:26 AM Posted
by Chicagoland
Chuck Maddox
Early 2008
An Important read for Vintage/Gray Market
purchasers: Ask for inside caseback and
movement pictures before you get serious
about purchase of a watch!
Yolles Posts: Graymarket Speedy
Update - Chuck, Here's the Caseback
18, 2005 - 07:13
my post below from last night.
Sorry, I didn't size this pic,
otherwise you couldn't be able to
read the inscriptions. As always, I
appreciate your opinions and

Here is Herb's
initial post with a rotated
cropped version of his inside case
back following up at the end:
Yolles Posts: Graymarket Speedy Update
[May 17, 2005 - 09:11
A few weeks ago I posted a
story about a "recent issue" speedy
moonwatch that I had purchased from a
fellow TZer and I was rather concerned
that it appeared to be a graymarket
watch because the serial number was
absent from the #7 lug. I appreciate
all of the advice I received. Well, the
story gets a bit more interesting. I
had the watch opened and lo and behold,
what I think appears to be inside is a
caliber 861 movement from about
1970-1971. The case is in pristine
condition and the dial and hands appear
to be new, with excellent luminous glow
in the dark. The bracelet is obviously
the recent version with the 2-button
clasp. Below are pictures of the watch.
I would appreciate your opinions on
what I've been sold. I assume it is a
vintage 861 speedy that has been
outfitted with a new dial, hands and
bracelet. I thought I was purchasing a
current "recent" model, and am still
upset about being "taken". The seller
still hasn't shipped me the promised
box. Anyway, what do you guys think? Do
you see anything that doesn't look
right (genuine)? As always, thanks for
your input.

- Herb,
- There is no way I can candy coat
this one... The watch (inside
caseback mostly) you have has been
seriously altered from what Omega
shipped. In fact, trying to
reassemble what specifically
happened to your Gray Market
Speedmaster is roughly akin to
trying to reassemble a cow/bull from
hamburger. But let me try...
- Your Speedy bears a rather early
production run Lemania c.861
Note the 28m Serial number
which corresponds with a 1970 model
year within a year or two. Ok, no
problem there, necessarily, as there
are 1970 model year Speedmasters
with c.861's in that range. Omega
made them.
Our first ¿hmmmm? point
comes here:
This is a second pattern
Post-Moon landing back... We know
that the first pattern Post-Moon
landing back started in the last
half of 1969, and went for an
undetermined amount of time... At
least through mid -1970, perhaps as
late as late 1971 or into 1972.
Again, with the limitations of the
Serial Number tables we have, we are
still within our "possible" range,
but I would ordinarily feel more
comfortable with a first pattern
back on this watch.
Next we have the modern pattern

Now this doesn't bother me much
at all... Could be the old bracelet
wore out, could be the watch was
sold on a strap, the bracelet is one
of the nicer one's Omega has
produced (I'd only put the 1450
higher on the totem personally), but
it's safe to say the bracelet is not
Since we are pretty certain the
watch dates from before the
mid-1990's we don't have any
concerns about the lack of a laser
etched serial number on the 7
o'clock lug.
Which brings us to the picture
you posted of the inside caseback
(reduced to fit within this
There is no easy way to say
this... Someone seriously refinished
the inside of this caseback. That's
not the way Omega ships their
Here is an example of a simlar
model (left) side-by-side) with your
example (right):
145.012-67 SP Original
Click for
large version in new
Herb's Mystery
Click for
large version in new
As you can clearly see, the
inscription made by Omega on an
original caseback is STAMPED, not
ENGRAVED. The caseback on Herb's
watch is clearly engraved, likely
with the assistance (although poor
technique) of a lettering template
of some sort. I don't really believe
anyone could seriously dispute that
Herb's caseback has engravings on
it, and it has not been stamped with
the information...
Look specifically at the "ACIER"
in Herb's back... Notice how the "E"
doesn't have straight angles? Look
in "INOXYDABLE" look at the N, X, Y,
etc... Notice how the right hand
side of the letter is taller than
the left? You can see the same
effect in other letters on the rest
of the engraving. In general the
lettering sizes are inconsistant in
height, the edges of certain
letters, "E" in particular, are not
square, and many of the letters and
numbers are slightly mishapened. On
the original stamped caseback the
letters are consistant with one
Also look at the triangular
"logo" portion of the casebacks. The
"M" and "A" in OMEGA are about 80%
of the height of the other
That Herb's back is engraved I
believe is beyond credible doubt.
Someone took a good deal of time to
create a template with which to
fashion a facsimile of the original
stamping, but they didn't take the
effort or time to make it a
particularly convincing
So what does this mean?
It means that
someone ground or buffed off the
original finish for the caseback
that Herb has. [The
previous text in Red is currently in
dispute, follow
this link to the Addendum on this
topic] We'll
never know if this was the original
back, or a replacement. I believe
the next step was to emulate the
"Engine Turned" effect of an
original caseback, then a facsimile
of reasonably proper numbers and
marks were engraved on the inside of
this caseback. At least that is my
assessment of what likely
Without the original caseback, we
will never really know for certain
the original configuration of this
watch. It seems very VERY odd for
the caseback to have been modified
in this manner, and for what
purpose/reason? For all we know this
watch has a circa 1970 c.861
movement with an early second
pattern Post moon caseback that
someone refinished for some reason.
But this movement could just as
easily be from a early Seamaster
with a more modern case... My gosh,
it could be nearly anything. I
really don't know. It could be all
original save the back and bracelet,
or cobbled together from the parts
bin. We'll never know.
It's amazing that someone would
go to all the effort to obscure the
origin of this caseback. Is this an
instance of a replaced caseback? A
Franken? A Gray-Market Speedmaster
that the Gray-Marketeer went on a
bender to obscure the origins
Place your bets and spin the
wheel... It could be any of these
things, all of them, some of them,
or something I haven't thought of to
type. And we likely will never know
for sure.
Lessons to be learned... If you
aren't buying new from an authorized
dealer, It is IMPERATIVE that you
get pictures of the inside and
outside of the caseback before you
even think about pulling your wallet
from your pocket. I suspect if Herb
had seen the inside caseback he
would have said "No Thanks!" and
moved along. This is important if
you purchase used, or Gray-Market.
Why? Because this watch has -zero-
historical value, next to -zero-
collectablity for a serious
collector interested in originality,
it's value is mainly as a wearer or
as raw-materials for a custom watch
project of some manner. If that's
all you're interested in, then there
is some value in that.
This watch is nearly certainly
NOT a "recent issue"
speedy moonwatch that I had
purchased from a fellow TZer and I
was rather concerned that it
appeared to be a graymarket watch
because the serial number was absent
from the #7 lug as
Herb said. It's not a Recent issue
Speedy Moonwatch, it may or may not
be a Gray Market watch (I doubt it's
a gray based on the movement
vintage), it appears the movement is
from the 1968-1973 epoch, but it is
in no way certain that the movement
is original to a Speedmaster or
necessarily this case. The bracelet
is a modern (post 1999) one, and the
caseback... The movement could be
from any point from Late 1968 (after
the c.861 was introduced) on, with a
caseback altered for unknown
reasons. Very uncertain provenence
at best.
This should be a warning to
people who purchase used and
Gray-Market. Omega doesn't do this
to their watches. A Speedmaster
sourced from anyone else has the
potential to have had what was done
to this watch's caseback done to it.
GET pictures of the inside
caseback of any watch you purchase
that isn't from an authorized
I wish the news was better Herb,
and I am profoundly sorry to be the
bearer of bad news, but I hope this
post is of interest/use to everyone
Caviat Emptor!
On or about 25 January 2008 Quatre
Temps posted some insights on his
research on replacement Speedmaster
Backs on the Watch-U-Seek.com Omega
Forum. At this point his research is at
this point evolving while he continues
to obtain information. Rather than keep
this page as it originally existed
without notice, I am linking below
Portals to at least three threads on
this topic:
think I might have corrected Chuck
would appear that 'ETCHING' inner Omega
backings has been around since the
There is absolutely NO method to Omegas
: George Ruedin S.A.:
At this point I have little to no
idea where this story will end. I'll
continue to add Threads to this page as
Quatre Temps finds useful threads to
post on WUS. I hope this adequately
brings the current situation on this
topic to a point where it is as
up-to-date as can reasonably be done
without a huge investment in time.
Unfortunately, the pictures
he originally posted on Photobucket
have been pulled, so his posts make
little sense.
Perhaps he will be able to restore
the photos at some point.